Healthy, Happy Holidays 2024!

Strawberry Hill Christmas Tree Farm is dedicated to keeping your family, friends and our staff safe. By working together, we can help each other stay healthy while enjoying precious time with our families and close friends again.

Staying Healthy for the Holidays!

  When visiting our farm, you are on behalf of yourself or any guests, voluntarily assuming all risks related to exposure to any seasonal virus or other disease.

    • In the past, dogs on leashes were always welcomed. We now ask that you leave them at         home as they can easily cause unnecessary interaction among other customers. 

    • If you are sick, please stay home. Visit the farm only when you are healthy - if you have a fever, other symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has the Flu, RSV or COVID-19. PLEASE stay home as recommeded.

We Wish Each of You Well and Hope for a Happy New Year!

OPEN Saturday November 23 through
Tuesday December 23, 2024 or until Sold Out


Black Friday:



Monday thru Friday:
3 pm - 5 pm

10 am - 5 pm

10 am - 5 pm

12 pm - 5 pm

2 pm - 5 pm
Check out what the Lawrence Journal World had to say about us!!!
Yeah!, we have lovely Scotch Pines for you to cut. Again this year at customers' requests we have brought in a prime selection of Fraser Firs and White Pines to supplement our crop.
Thank you for your continued patronage and looking forward to seeing you at the farm!
8 inch Snow December of '05
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© 2003-2024 Strawberry Hill Christmas Tree Farm
Photographers (those with props and/or charging for your services) must call Mark 785-331-4422 in advance for appointment and availablity. Required check-in at appointment time with Mark for credentials. If you do not have an appointment or are not checked in with Mark, you and clients will be considered trespassing.